Smart measuring is efficient measuring
ISDS - four letters which sum up the unique functionality and quality of Hydrotechnik HySense® Q flow meters: Intelligent Sensor Detection System.
Combined with our Hydrotechnik measuring devices, manual configuration is no longer necessary, thanks the plug-and-play feature. An integrated sensor recognition system provides automatic channel configuration for sensor signal, measured variable, measuring range and other variables. Thus, errors are avoided and measurement accuracy and reproducibility are increased. Efficiency is our driving force, which is why the HySense® Q product family offers a wide range of smart sensors which perform and assess the entire signal analysis within the sensor.
As a solution provider, Hydrotechnik features four product families in its portfolio, each of which has its own specific advantages and properties and covers the widest possible range of applications for measuring flow, pressure, temperature, oil level and much more.
HySense® QM 100
Durchflussüberwachung: Der Schlüssel zur industriellen Effizienz! Die Überwachung des Durchflusses in industriellen Anlagen wird zunehmend wichtiger und trägt dazu bei, die Gesamteffizienz, Zuverlässigkeit und Umweltfreundlichkeit industrieller Anlagen zu steigern, was in der heutigen wettbewerbsintensiven Wirtschaftsumgebung von fundamentaler Bedeutung ist.
HySense® QM 100 Die perfekte Lösung für präzise und zuverlässige Messungen. Optimieren Sie Ihre Prozesse und steigern Sie die Effizienz mit unserer innovativen Messtechnik.
Flow meters tailored to your needs
Energy efficiency, condition monitoring, diagnostics, predictive maintenance – flow measurement is becoming increasingly important. Temporary, for mobile service use or built-in - for essential, convenient condition monitoring with HySense® Q flow meters by Hydrotechnik, you can rely on proven expertise. We offer product solutions covering (almost) all applications, measurement principles and measurement types. Proper measurement can also prevent damage to machinery, thus helping to save important resources.
Product categories

Turbine flow meters HySense® QT
For stationary and mobile flow measurement in systems with dynamic and bidirectional flows or for diagnostic tasks, for checking pump units, condition monitoring of heating and cooling circuits or lubricant monitoring in production systems.
- Highly dynamic flow measurement
- Compact size & low weight
- Durable construction for high operating pressures and resistance up to 420 bar
- Low pressure loss
- Assembly and calibration in our in-house laboratory, certified by DAkkS according to ISO 17025

Gear flow meters HySense® QG
For volume and flow measurement, cylinder travel or speed measurement as well as for filling and metering a wide variety of media, ensuring mixing ratios, leakage measurement and fracture monitoring as well as measurement tasks for controlling and regulating test benches or fuel consumption measurement.
- Wide measuring range paired with very high measuring accuracy & reproducibility
- Wide viscosity range and viscosity independence
- Integrated flow direction detection

Turbine flow meters with integrated throttle valve HySense® QL
For stationary and mobile flow measurement, function and performance testing of pump units as well as for adjusting pump controllers and pressure relief valves or for diagnostic tasks.
- Integrated proportional valve for load simulation
- High measuring accuracy & reproducibility
- Highly dynamic flow measurement
- Housing made of high-strength, lightweight aluminum
- Durable construction for high operating pressures and resistance up to 420 bar

Oval gear flow meters HySense® QO
For volume and flow measurement, filling and metering as well as for fuel consumption measurement or measurement tasks for control in test benches and measurement in aggressive media.
- No straight pipe runs required for inlet/outlet
- Wide viscosity range
- Can be disassembled for cleaning purposes
- High media resistance
- High temperature resistance
- Low pressure loss